Install steam on usb drive
Install steam on usb drive

install steam on usb drive

People complain about epic stopping sales of games on steam. even if i buy them from a games store I still have to install steam. I can just go to a games store and buy them. of course no one is forcing me to buy AAA games of steam. I mean what is the point in paying for games if you're not going to play them. if they want people to keep buying games that they want to play. Stop looking for someone or something else to blame, please. How you store your game files there is totally up to you.

install steam on usb drive

Look, you revived a thread that was posted in 2016 and I clearly outlined how you can get around this in my post. How much money they make is due to the choice people make in order to spend it here. Physical medial is going away in not just games, but with music, movies, etc., too. That's like saying that the most popular singer of the age of music when we had CD's first being used for music, was at fault for the end of cassette tapes no longer being sold. Valve did not take AAA games out of shops. The fact that they have a good platform and makes people more likely to want to choose them, still leaves the decision to join Steam up to the potential user. You choose to use Steam and that's your responsibility, too.

install steam on usb drive

No one is "forcing" anyone to do anything. Games stored, not installed, on the external, and moved to the internal when you want to play a certain game. You can manage the games as I said above. You don't even have to keep 200 games installed all the time, at the same time. That's up to you how you do that, not Steam or Valve. It's how you are managing your computer's space or hardware use there. The ability to use the games or not has nothing to do with Steam in this case. Not to mention the amount of money they make. For a program that started by forcing the world to use their platform by taking triple A games out of the shops I sure would think they'd have the sense to do something about it. Originally posted by Phase_verocity:okay so basically i just can't use the games i've paid for when i don't have the drive plugged in or I have to reinitialize all 200 or so games.

Install steam on usb drive